Speech Pathologist Forster

Endless Potential

Speech Assistance is an Allied Health service based in Forster on the New South Wales Mid North Coast, specialising in Speech Therapy programs following the directions and recommendations set by your preferred Speech Pathologist. Speech Assistance provides additional support to children and families, by implementing the child’s recommended Speech assistant program in a fun, interactive and play-based environment tailored to the child’s requirements.

Speech-language can help children to learn with communication such as expressing themselves, understanding instructions or pronunciation. Speech therapy sessions are fun, friendly, and creative and shaped around your child’s interests. The play-based sessions are in a structured and comfortable environment with enjoyable
and easy-to-understand activities, achievable targets and rewards your child chooses.

Speech therapy can build the confidence children need to reach their potential. We use communication skills every day. Learning how to communicate effectively means your child speaks and listens in a way that can have a significant impact on their life — now and in the future.

Talk To Us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk and discuss questions over the phone and through email, on how we can help you!